3 Steps to Simplify Your Move to a New State

Moving to a new state can be challenging, but it can also be incredibly rewarding. With the right preparation, you can have a smooth transition to the new life that is calling to you. Use this guide to help see you through each step of the process.

1. Find Your New Job

For many, where exactly you choose to live will at least somewhat be determined by your job. Job websites such as Indeed make it easy to find positions in your chosen field in the area you desire. You can browse salaries to see where you might get the best money for your time. You can also use websites to find work-from-home positions if you are hoping for remote work.

Moving to a new state also may encourage you to start the business you’ve been dreaming of. Research the regulations of the state you’re moving to ensure that you satisfy all the requirements for launching your company. To start, develop a thorough business plan to act as a guide for you as you prepare to open your business. 

2. Prepare Your Finances

While traditional mortgages have required 20% or more down in the past, it’s not as typical as it once was. Many mortgages can be approved with a 3% downpayment. Even 3% of a several-hundred-thousand dollar home can be a nice chunk of change, though, so ensure you have enough for both your down payment and closing costs ahead of time. 

Transitioning to a new state and city means more to your finances than a home purchase, though. While your mortgage may be one piece of your cost-of-living expenses, it’s far from the only one. Groceries, school or daycare, home services and more can vary widely, so it’s important to do your research prior to purchasing a home so you can make smart decisions about what you can and can’t afford.

3. Discover Your Next Home

Searching for housing in a new state presents unique challenges, including the fact that you may not be able to see a home in person before you start the purchasing process. Rocket Mortgage recommends researching the area and its cost of living, applying for mortgage preapproval and getting your finances in order, and finding a local real estate agent to facilitate your purchase. A highly-qualified real estate agent is essential to help you through the process of inspecting and evaluating potential homes states away.  

Prepare a list of must-haves for your new home ahead of time to help you and your realtor get on the same page. Whether it’s space, location, price, school district, or some other factor, determine what your highest priorities are in a new home and convey them to your agent. Once they understand what you’re looking for, they can better help you discover the properties that best fit your precise situation and needs.

Ensure your future is a bright one. With the right help by your side, take steps toward the existence you’ve envisioned, and you’ll be on your way to your best life.

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